Main Menu |
Many options for businesses |
Everything from a simple sticker on a storefront, to a listing on the site, a featured business, a customized web page, to several levels of major sponsorship that will get your business listed on the front side of our brochure that will be distributed nationwide.
All business listings may use our logo in their own print ads and may use words such as "Proud Sponsor of Smoke-Free Businesses.com" etc.
Opportunities available nationwide in most cities/states |
We're currently looking for marketing reps in most all states and cities. We also need computer help with data input, web design, graphic arts, and video production work. Contact us by emailing office@smokefreebusinesses.com.
Testimonials |
Positive Neutral Negative
Feel free to send us your testimonial regarding how your SFB sticker or listing has helped you.
Here are a few letters of feedback we've received so far and are very happy to share. Click on the icons below to view.
(702) 568.9333 fax (702) 568.9334
E-mail your testimonial here.
News & Updates |
Feb. 2007 - Marketing reps are out working in numerous areas. More are needed. Contact us if you want to join our team.
Jan. 2007 - Just in, a new batch of our 4.5" stickers for businesses and 2.5" stickers for consumers. The small stickers are great for vehicle windows, and if you have one on your car, you can register to win gifts in our monthly drawings.
Logo decals with a message speak loud and clear |
Place a SFB sticker on your business storefront or vehicle.
Call us at 702.568.9333 or
e-mail here.

Listing your business helps us to support our programs that help smokers and many others. Other sites of ours include BeatNicotine.com, BeAnOrganDonor.org, ClickaPrayer.com, and more. Some of our future sites include BeatCancers.com, BeatAbuse.com, BeatHunger.org. |