Main Menu |
Many options for businesses |
Everything from a simple sticker on a storefront, to a listing on the site, a featured business, a customized web page, to several levels of major sponsorship that will get your business listed on the front side of our brochure that will be distributed nationwide.
All business listings may use our logo in their own print ads and may use words such as "Proud Sponsor of Smoke-Free Businesses.com" etc.
Opportunities available nationwide in most cities/states |
We're currently looking for marketing reps in most all states and cities. We also need computer help with data input, web design, graphic arts, and video production work. Contact us by emailing office@smokefreebusinesses.com.
FAQ page |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Half of my restaurant is non-smoking and the other half is smoking. Can I be listed on the site?
A: We thank you for wanting to list your business and appreciate any support, but we only allow listings from businesses that are 100% smoke-free. It has been proven to be the only way to eliminate cancer-causing carcinogens from the air.
Q: When I go to your web site and I'm typing the word "businesses", sometimes the fingers on my left hand get tired and confused, what can I do?
A: You can abbreviate businesses by using the word "biz". SmokeFreeBiz.com
Q: Most of the businesses in my area are smoke-free, why should I list my business on here?
A: Listing fees are used to fund our programs with Beat Nicotine.com, Be An Organ Donor.org and others. We'll advertise your business with billboards, commericials, and much more. Customers will identify businesses with the smoke-free business logo and will find your listing, phone number, directions, and other details on the web site. You can also benefit by using our logo and name with your own advertising.
Q: Why do you continue to work towards changing smoking laws if your business plan is to list smoke-free businesses on this site?
A: We have actually spent many thousands of dollars of our own money to help promote smoke-free ballot questions in several states. We knew it would cost us in relation to listing businesses on this site, however, our goal is to protect innocent people and to save lives. We are counting on the support of community minded business owners for small listing fees and donations for funding. Our ultimate goal is for all businesses to be 100% smoke-free and the only smokers in the world will be those who don't want to stop and have the decency not to smoke in front of others.
Q: When did you start this web site?
A: We didn't devote much time to this site for the first few years, although we started listing some smoke-free businesses on the BeatNicotine.com web site in early 2003, and then purchased the SmokeFreeBusinesses.com domain name in Feb. 2004. .
Q: What is the best way to affix the sticker on my store window?
A: Clean the window first, then start at one edge and use a credit card or something similar to eliminate air bubbles while applying. The stickers are very high quality and can be removed in one piece by lifting an edge with a razor blade and even reaffixed to another location.
Q: I saw on TV, a bicycle ride on New Years Day for smokers who have stopped, was that your organization?
A: Yes it was. We plan to go cross country on bicycles in the near future to promote our web sites and the benefits of being smoke-free. Here is the link to the video clip and newspaper article from our last ride.
Q: Do you dislike or hate smokers?
A: We love smokers, we only hate smoke, as do all human bodies that require oxygen to sustain life. Many of us have devoted much of our lives and a lot of our own money to helping smokers who want to quit. If you've ever known an easy method to do something that other people don't know or don't see, and you've wanted to share it, then you probably know how we feel. The largest and most influential powers on this planet do not want smokers to quit for financial reasons. You can never underestimate the power of these industries to form many of the opinions our society has about smoking.
Q: What is the deal with the bowling link I saw on one of your sites and how is it related?
A: The founder of PFH® and this web site gave up a successful bowling career about 10 yrs ago due to not wanting to expose himself to the dangers of secondhand smoke any further. Mr. McDonough vowed to help smokers who wanted to stop, and to help change smoking laws and behaviors of smokers.
(702) 568.9333 fax (702) 568.9334
E-mail our office
News & Updates |
- Business owners are telling us our stickers get attention and the feedback is overwhelmingly positive.
Nov. 2007 - Marketing reps are out working in numerous areas. More are needed. Contact us if you want to join our team.
- Just in, a new batch of our 4.5" stickers for businesses and 2.5" stickers for consumers. The small stickers are great for vehicle windows and anyone who has one on their vehicle, may enter the monthly drawing for a chance to win free stuff.
Logo decals with a message speak loud and clear |
Place a SFB sticker on your business storefront or vehicle.
Call us at 702.568.9333 or
e-mail here.

Listing your business helps us to support our programs that help smokers and many others. Other sites of ours include BeatNicotine.com, BeAnOrganDonor.org, ClickaPrayer.com, and more. Some of our future sites include BeatCancers.com, BeatAbuse.com, BeatHunger.org. |