Main Menu |
Many options for businesses |
Everything from a simple sticker on a storefront, to a listing on the site, a featured business, a customized web page, to several levels of major sponsorship that will get your business listed on the front side of our brochure that will be distributed nationwide.
We're not only the best choice for your advertising dollars, we're also the best choice for your charity dollars. We're changing lives and hope you are proud to be a part.
We also have many other web sites to drive traffic to this site, so customers can find your business. Some of them we may develop individually. Including: smokefreetaverns.comsmokefreegaming.com
and many more.
We also generate traffic and promote this site through our other sites such as:
Opportunities available nationwide in most cities/states |
Services & Fees |
Smoke-Free Businesses.com
All prices are suggested, and are voluntary.
"Featured Businesses"
will be selected at random among all supporters of
Smoke Free Businesses.com.
Biz sticker. web site listing with (name, address, phone)
Biz sticker, web site listing w/clickable links to your site/email, a map to your biz, & more).
Biz sticker, web site listing, links, clipart, static IP address you can link to, up to 2 pix of your biz/employees ($10 for add. pix).
Listed on our national brochure and on various web pages thoughout the site.
$10 (1-time fee)
$89* Special: $49 incl. 4 pix**
Contact us
* voluntary
** you provide pix
Customers will find your business, address, phone, hours, a map, menu, or anything else you want to place in your listing. Listings help our organization fund programs that benefit smokers, cancer patients, organ donors/recipients, and more.
Individual consumers can purchase small stickers for their vehicle. These are great for reminding people not to smoke in your vehicle. Please send $1 minimum per sticker in a SASE to:
Putters From Heaven/SFB PO Box 92798
Henderson, NV 89009
Please address any checks to Putters From Heaven (PFH). You can puchase stickers with PayPal using the "buy now" button below.
You can also purchase your bronze, silver, or gold listing using the button below. Please include the information you would like in your listing.
All persons who have a sticker on their vehicle can enter their license number for a chance to win many different gifts in our monthly drawings.
Visit the contact us page or call
to purchase a sticker or list your business.
Thanks for your support!
(702) 568.9333 fax (702) 568.9334
E-mail our office
News & Updates |
Reps are in the field - We now have field representatives in several markets of NV, CT, and LA. taking pix and helping businesses place a listing. Obtain a sticker for your businesses by sending $5 to PFH, PO Box 92798, Henderson, NV 89009.
List your business and get a sticker for only $10 - Your listing supports our efforts and is very much appreciated.
Marketing reps & photographers needed - Contact us sometime.
Logo decals with a message speak loud and clear |
Call us at 702.568.9333 or
e-mail here.

Business listings are encouraged to use our logo in their own print ads and web sites.